
Bo Impuesto mobile app

iOS and Android application for Aruba's tax department.

We live in the age of connectivity. More things than ever before are literally right at your fingertips. With a tap of a button, a swipe to the left or right, you can open up new worlds in seconds and access information that is highly relevant. With this new app, Hi5 has created a fresh new mobile experience for Aruba. An extra dimension for customer interaction at the Departamento Di Impuesto Aruba (DIMP).

So we have our mission but what is our vision?

Hi5's vision is a future that is abundant with highly efficient and sustainable technology. A future where an individual's privacy lies at the center by default. The great philosopher Immanuel Kant sums it up nicely:

“Always recognize that human individuals are ends, and do not use them as means to your end.“

A future where we have a balanced combination of data-ownership, soft and hardware innovation, and cross-functional craftsmanship.

the art of work

So how do we approach working on problems? The right solution does not arrive at the beginning of our research, we determine it gradually through a process of group rethinking, group redefining that helps us to break down obstacles in a step-by-step fashion. We'd like to call this process circular hacking.

As a team with a diverse set of skills and disciplines, we expect from every team member the very best from their individual field of expertise to contribute to our common business objectives. We encourage criticism more often than is needed to help maintain a high standard of quality and delivery. The key here are our four principles that allow us to collaborate in an environment of open dialogue and debate with very little friction.